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Observation: Douglas Island

Location: Troy

Route & General Observations

Main route to Troy from EC.

We found a mix of crust and stale powder and windslab of variable thickness on le crust. We observed continued snow transport by wind.

We observed a few old avalanches, photos attached.

Views were nice.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Clear, moderate to strong wind, sun.

Snow surface

Freezing rain crust over stale powder, wind slabs of variable thickness.


ECT no failure or propagation. However in an area without windslab.

Windslab on top of crust popped on isolation in a hand pit.

We our snow pit tests did not show results, but they were not in a place with windslab. We found a 1-2 cm crust over 10-15 cm of stale powder. Snowpack increased in density with depth. Did not investigate layers carefully but did not notice obvious hard density transitions except a crust interface about 100 cm deep.
The windslab we found was on the crust, I dug out a quick square of wind slab w my pile and it popped out on isolation.

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