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Avalanche: Douglas Island

Location: Troy

Route & General Observations

Rain from parking lot to just below Troy Meadow (2200’). We observed unstable snow in the form of wet loose slides and roller balls but no slab natural activity. Strong winds at Saddle. Cornices forming on ridges and rollovers.
Heavy wet snow w rain runnels and density inversion approx 20 cm down (4 finger to fist, >10cm thick). Approx 30-40 cm of wet soft snow. Above 2400’ no rain runnels but more of a thick/wet styrofoam surface.
At Saddle (2600’) Upper layers were sensitive in compression test (starting at CT2, q2-3) A layer at 47cm went at CT24 (or so) more planar/ Q2. No propitiation in ECT. Pit west facing /27 degrees.

Avalanche Details
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Trigger NaturalAvalanche Type Wet Loose Snow
Aspect West NorthwestElevation 2400ft
Slope AngleunknownCrown Depthunknown
Width 40ftVertical Run 200ft
Avalanche Details

Observed several wet loose slides on Troy Face 5-20 yards across at toe. Lots of roller balls up to snowman size. We did not observe natural slab activity, slides were below the stiffer surface layer found higher.

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