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Avalanche: Douglas Island

Location: Showboat Bowling Alley

Route & General Observations

Descending the far skiers right side of Showboat proper, poor communication led a skier too close to the edge. Skier kicked off the cornice, which then triggered a small slab at the bowling ball convexity. Close call, but skier was able to escape the cornice drop before going for a big fall.

Avalanche Details
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Trigger SkierAvalanche Type Soft Slab
Aspect WestElevation 1800ft
Slope AngleunknownCrown Depthunknown
Width 40ftVertical Run 300ft
Near Miss / Accident Details
Avalanche Details

R1-D2 looked to be in the wind drifted new snow on the firm Tuesday bed surface. Debris channeled down into the gully but did not travel far.

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