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Avalanche: Douglas Island

Location: Mt. Troy

Route & General Observations

Toured up regular skin track (in the trees). Noted varied stability in the top ~30 cms of the snowpack.

Avalanche Details
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Trigger SkierAvalanche Type Soft Slab
Aspect NorthwestElevation 2400ft
Slope AngleunknownCrown Depth 6in
Width 30ftVertical Run 100ft
Near Miss / Accident Details
Avalanche Details

Skier triggered soft slab avalanche on the steepest face above bottom of the Troy bowl (above bottom transition area), lookers left of the larger cliffs. Just the very top layer, ~6 inches, slid.

Events of the day

Triggered by another skier. No incident. Slide was not large enough to do much harm.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Variable cloud coverage/fog. No precipitation. Hardly any wind.

Snow surface

Nice powder. Loud powder - surface hoar formed overnight. It is widespread and standing on most every surface/aspect in the Troy bowl (as of this afternoon).


Dug a pit on a NW slope at 2600 ft. CT6 at 30 cms. CT11 at 65 cms (Thanksgiving Crust). The very top layer (triggered later in the afternoon) sort of crumbled so did not note the fracture in the tests. ECTN. Was not able to get any propagation in my Extended Column Tests, even on hard thumps beyond the regular test.

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