Bluebird. No wind. Clouds/fog below.
McGinnis via winter route. Sun. Dry pow. Hoots and hollers.
Bluebird. No wind. Clouds/fog below.
Powder; dry and soft
The sun shone through
Twas a day aloft
Where the sky was blue
Wind; not even a waft
Trust me, its true
Content with our decisions
How about you?
Snowpack above ~2000 ft: 6-8inches of powder on top of a crust-facet-crust sandwich, on top of wet rounded grains to the ground.
Some rime and mind wind effect isolated to ridge.
Dug @ 3000 Ft. SE Aspect. Slope Apx. 30 degrees. Snowpack 90CMs.Tests: CT9@15CMs from surface (inside facet sandwich), progressive compression. CT26@30CMs, progressive compression. ECTN15@15CMs.