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Avalanche: Douglas Island

Location: Eaglecrest

Route & General Observations

Skinned the road and found some great skiing within the ski area. But ski season means avalanche season so don’t forget the ski area is backcountry until it is open. So no avalanche mitigation and plenty of avalanche terrain.

Avalanche Details
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Trigger SnowboarderAvalanche Type Soft Slab
Aspect NorthwestElevation 2500ft
Slope AngleunknownCrown Depth 12in
Width 125ftVertical Run 60ft
Avalanche Details

NW aspect at 2500 feet near the Black Bear Chair at Eaglecrest. A very clearly loaded slope appeared to be triggered by a snowboarder. Their track in and out was observed but I did not see the slide occur. As the riding starts to get better the avalanche hazard will likely increase. Be prepared and alert. Even a small slide in a shallow snowpack can drag you through bushes and rocks.

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