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Observation: Juneau Mainland

Location: Basin Road, approximately 100m from Perseverance Trailhead

Route & General Observations

Walking along Basin Road towards Perseverance Trailhead. Approximately 100m from trailhead, heard avalanche to north from Mt. Juneau Ridge area. Could not see avalanche activity. Low visibility and fog may have been a factor or lack of direct line of sight to avalanche. Avalanche loud and readily audible for 10+ seconds with a quieter and shorter afterslide audible approximately 20-30 seconds later.

Could not get good photos of area in vicinity of where avalanche heard due to fog/low visibility. Photo attached is of Mt. Juneau Ridge immediately to west of where avalanche suspected.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Steady snowfall, flake size increasing. Low visibility, fog. Temperatures at Basin Road just above freezing at time avalanche heard. Winds listed by NOAA at 14mph ESE, light winds at Basin Road. Unsure of temperatures and wind above on Mt. Juneau Ridge.

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