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Avalanche: Douglas Island

Location: The Orient

Route & General Observations

Skied from East bowl across Fruit Bowl and skinned up the shoulder to the entrance of the Orient. Evidence of a small avalanche triggered by a cornice in Fruit Bowl.
1”-4” Wind slab noted on up track.

Avalanche Details
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Trigger UnknownAvalanche Type Unknown
Aspect UnknownElevationunknown
Slope AngleunknownCrown Depth8ft
WidthunknownVertical Rununknown
Avalanche Details

When the sun popped out we decided to venture to the Orient. On the way up we had some “yellow light” observations of a previous small avalanche in Fruit Bowl and wind slab instability (1”-4” slabs). Planned on taking the “safe” route on skiers right of the main run on Orient.
Upon cresting the ridge we saw what appeared to be a 3 meter crown with avalanche debris all the way to the bottom of the valley. We assumed it slid on the old “persistent week layer” we have all been thinking about.
There was a couple of inches of snow on the debris pile so assume it slid yesterday (3/1/21)
We skied a very conservative route on skiers right through the rimed trees with wind slab instability.

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