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Observation: Douglas Island

Location: Mt Jumbo

Route & General Observations

We found overall stable conditions around Mt Jumbo on today’s tour. The Nov 1 crust was present, but did not produce a failure in our stability tests.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Air temp: -2c
Wind: calm
Precip: snowing less than 1cm/hr
Sky cover: Overcast

Snow surface

Very thin zipper crust had formed on the surface above ~2300'


In general, the snowpack structure in the Jumbo area is similar to what has been observed in other locations on Douglas. Our snowpit location was at 2600' on a NNW facing slope. We found a fairly shallow (HS70cm) snowpack, and the Nov 1 crust is still very obvious. Our compression test produced progressive compression in the new snow, and we did not see any propagation in our extended column test. The snow above the Nov 1 crust appears to be rounding.