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Avalanche: Douglas Island

Location: Ben Stewart

Route & General Observations

Skinned up the normal Ben Stewart access trail and skied multiple aspects on Ben Stewart.

Avalanche Details
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Trigger NaturalAvalanche Type Hard Slab
Aspect NorthElevation 3200ft
Slope AngleunknownCrown Depth 24in
WidthunknownVertical Rununknown
Avalanche Details

Upper Wedding bowl slid almost wall to wall yesterday or last night. Fresh crown just below the ridge and the debris ran to the first bench at the bottom of the upper bowl. Crown appeared to be approximately 2’ deep. We were planning to ski Wedding Bowl but after seeing this, we decided to tour to Bunny Toe Pass. From there we saw that Upper Fred Meyers Bowl also avalanched yesterday. The crown was also just below the ridge line and appeared to be caused by yesterday’s rapid wind loading. No natural avalanche activity on other aspects.

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